Monday 19 September 2016

The importance of Cycling TODAY

As you all know cycling is a much healthier mode of transport than vehicles. Cycling to work or school is being encouraged greatly across the world to help make the world a healthier place.

  1. Much less energy is needed to make a bike than a car
  2. Bikes do not need toxic batteries or motor oil
  3. Cycling uses no fuel.

Pollution is a major issue facing us today and if the world keeps going the rate its going, Earth will be destroyed in generations to come.
How much air pollution is prevented by commuting by bike rather than car?
Below is a website which clearly shows you how using your bicycle for transport everyday can help the world you live in.


It states that if you have a mid-sized car and drove 10 miles each day five times a week for one year, you would be putting 1.3 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the air. Think about it, even if you cycled those 10 miles three times a week you could save the earth by 0.78 tonnes of CO2 emissions... yes it's that EASY! And you will probably make it to your destination quicker than in car because you can pass all the traffic stand stills!

In Ireland it is discovered that, "cycling to work was most popular in Dublin with 5.9 per cent cycling to work followed by Galway with 4.9 per cent. In smaller towns only 1.5 per cent cycled to work while only 0.5 per cent cycled to work in the aggregate rural area.”
Transport Ireland are doing great work to try and encourage students to cycle to and from school. They found from surveys that 85% of students own a bike and students would prefer to cycle to pupils than go by any other transport.

Not only is cycling good for the environment it is a great form of exercise. Cycling is great for losing weight and also gaining muscle and fitness, it is an all round great form of exercise.

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